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Building user friendly and responsive websites for companies, e-commerce brands translating your vision and strategies to create unique brand identity to attract customers.

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Designing and developing custom mobile applications to your requirements.

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Verifying and validating that a software or application is bug free and meets the user requirements effectively.

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search engine

Improving your rankings in search results and increase website traffic.

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Leveraging digital technologies and channels to help business grow and reach targeted audience.

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Parvik Solutions is an Information technology company based in Mumbai(India) which provide end to end solutions for your business. Our core competency is website designing, web development and building mobile applications.

Our company is focused towards digital marketing and innovation leading readers on a journey rather than just a website or an application.

We are providing support for existing or legacy applications to ensure smooth working of your business as usual.

Our aim is to place our client’s satisfaction first while working with latest technology and optimized solutions.











Requirement Gathering

Requirement Gathering is the first and very important part of our application development process.

UI/UX Design

We create eye catchy design with the help of latest tools of designing.


After designing, the prototype of your application gets ready which is sent for development then.


The Development gets started on the preferable platforms with complete transparency.

Quality Assurance

We do not compromise in quality so we make sure you get 100% bug free application.


Your application ready to appear on the App store or Play store on this stage of Development.


We give support & answer every query after deployment.


Our clients choose us because of our broad capabilities to successfully deliver complex mobile applications. Our expertise in solving all kinds of problems,  working alongside existing development teams, having updated knowledge on new upcoming technologies, building technically complex features, and bringing together systems, processes and applications with seamless integration. Also, we provide support post launch to our clients which is unique and gives our clients confidence in us. If you have big ideas and find yourself with complex problems and want the very best from an agency with cost effective solution, then we can definitely help.

Yes, we can.
Before we begin your project, we work with you to write a detailed project specification and then provide you with a fixed-price quote to deliver the work. No hidden charges, no sneaky fees, everything is clear and concise. A fixed price and accurate specification may take a commitment of time from yourself, and Parvik Solutions, to reach. Before that commitment is made, you may appreciate a ballpark quote.

Yes, we will always try and give you a ballpark, or approximate, price as early as possible; normally on your first call or email. Having a rough idea of expected costs as soon as possible helps you to qualify whether your what you have in mind is commercially feasible and if you would like to investigate further.
Ballpark estimates are educated guesses based on our experience, so please remember that the actual final cost may go up or down as we take the time to explore your requirements in more detail. The more information you can provide us with about what you need, the more accurate our ballpark estimate is likely to be.

Talk to us. If you share your idea via the contact us form, one of our team will respond within one working day by email or phone.
If you’d prefer to speak to us right now, call +91-8879164461 or email at and we will talk through your ideas and project.
We never hard sell, all calls are without obligations, and we’re always happy to help.


Yes, most of the apps we make support both iOS and Android mobile platforms. It’s common for people to want their applications to work across web and mobile devices, so we use development frameworks such as React and React native that enable us to quickly support both platforms. We do work on native platforms as well.

We don’t just blindly begin building your requirements; we start by having a meeting to understanding the commercial factors that are driving the need for your project. We want to get to a position very quickly where we know enough to challenge you on the assumptions you’ve made about the features you require.
Once we understand your business, we go to lots of effort at the start of a project to work with you and scope out your requirements in detail.
You don’t just want us to tell you that we understand your project, we will often create a detailed page requirements specification, with wireframes where appropriate, before we design a single pixel, or write a line of code.

A dedicated project manager, who will be your primary point of contact throughout the development process. We also offer a range support and maintenance options to ensure we are responsive to your requests after the launch date.


In most of the cases yes, in others, no.
Can nine women deliver a baby in one month? This analogy can be applied to tech projects too. Sometimes, by dedicating more developer resource to a project, it can be completed much faster. But in other situations, we may be restricted by project, technology or security requirements.
If you have a date requirement, contact us as soon as possible so we can do our very best to meet it.

Many factors contribute to launching a successful project, and some requirements may result in the project taking longer to develop than others. However, for estimation, a good guide is that a project will typically take one month to 4 months of development work on a ballpark estimate.


Yes, in fact, we highly recommend that you begin by launching the simplest possible version of your vision possible first and continue to adapt it over time. This staged approach is called launching a “minimum viable product” (MVP).
The idea behind launching an MVP is that you’ve inevitably made assumptions, and you can’t test these assumptions until you release something to the world. By releasing a lean first version, you can test your assumptions and use this information to decide on the priorities of future requirements. It reduces engineering waste.
We have some options around making future changes to your app or website.
You can either commission us to update your app or website on a project-by-project basis, whereby we specify, quote, schedule and finally deliver a fixed set of requirements as-and-when you need them. Or, we can take an AGILE approach whereby we schedule in a certain amount of developer time each month to constantly improve things for you. Both approaches have merit, and it’s likely that you will know instinctively reading this as to which is right for you.

We follow both Waterfall and AGILE practices depending on the process that’s best suited to your business and the way you want to work with us.
Here is how to decide which approach to adopt.
Most clients who come to us with a new project want us to provide a fixed-price quotation to complete an agreed scope of work. It makes sense from a budget perspective, and you need a fixed figure to plan for or sign-off with purchasing. If this represents you, then we will most likely follow a Waterfall approach to project management to deliver the first version of your project.
A waterfall approach means that a project plan is defined before the project begins (the top of the waterfall), and as the project starts all those defined plans fall into place.
This process is less flexible than an agile approach, which allows big sweeping changes according to business needs, but it means you know exactly what you’re getting, exactly when you’ll get it, and exactly what it will cost.
With AGILE you identify an approximate direction that you want your site or app to go in (product roadmap) but you don’t define it all upfront. Instead, you work in repeated one-month (or less) cycles called a Sprint. At the start of each sprint, you agree the work that will be completed in that period, and how success looks.
The AGILE process is far more flexible than a waterfall approach: it allows drastic changes to the project according to your business needs and changing requirements but does not have that long-term future prediction that waterfall provides.
Think of it as lots of mini-waterfall projects. Each sprint happens at the end of a short period; you can release new features and versions regularly, and change the plan for what will be developed as your priorities inevitably change. With AGILE, instead of defining a project cost, you define a monthly budget that relates to the amount of development time that you require.
In summary: Waterfall is less flexible but provides better budget certainty if you know your requirements are unlikely to change over the life of the project. AGILE is more flexible and gives you a process that comfortably allows for regular change as your priorities shift, but also requires a more flexible pay-for-time approach to billing. If you want to launch a project that changes little over time, then Waterfall may be the best approach for you. If you have lots of features you want to add into your project past the launch of version one, then we’d recommend shifting to the AGILE approach with a fixed monthly budget.


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329/331, Badamwadi, Kalbadevi Road,
Mumbai - 400002, India.